Acupuncture is not “energy medicine.” It does not work by the flow of Qi (energy) through Meridians (invisible pathways). Current research demonstrates that the true concepts of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture operate under known physiologic principles that involve the complex organization of the neural (nerves), vascular (blood vessels), endocrine (hormones), viscera (internal organs), and somatic systems, and are sustained by the circulation of nutrients, vital substances, and oxygen. Acupuncture, the most researched modality for the treatment of pain, establishes neurologic homeostasis.

Dry needling is a local treatment using the same filiform needle as acupuncture to stimulate myo-fascial trigger points in a local area or areas for the treatment of pain. Acupuncture is more commonly done distally, meaning the needles are inserted at a distance from the site of pain.  Although both techniques have merits for treatment of chronic pain syndromes, neither is all encompassing and sometimes both techniques are beneficial for a particular chronic pain condition. Acupuncture has a broader physiologic effect than dry needling and can be used to treat other internal organ and gland conditions in addition to acute and chronic pain.

Most patients would not describe acupuncture as painful. After the needles are inserted, many people feel so relaxed that they fall asleep during treatment.

Yes, many private insurances do. Below is a list of treatment modalities for which I am a preferred provider. Medicaid and Medicare do not cover these modalities at this time. It’s always best to check coverage with your insurance provider before initiating treatment.

Acupuncture is very effective and works fast. Three initial sessions are needed to see whether a particular condition will respond to acupuncture.  If no response, then the condition cannot be treated with acupuncture which usually means there is some major structural or mechanical problem that acupuncture cannot overcome.  If a positive response occurs, then additional treatments are needed to effectively resolve the condition.