• (406) 250-5786
  • 44 Village Loop Road, Kalispell, MT 59901
  • M - Th, 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Neck pain acupuncture has been around for over 2500 years and is being used in such prestigious research institutions as the Mayo clinic and many other hospitals around the world for the treatment of many health conditions including chronic neck pain and headaches.   It’s truly amazing how people from that long ago discovered this treatment modality. 

These people were very smart by today’s standards.  They were the Nobel prize winning scientists, the Elon Musks and Steve Jobs of their day, pure innovators.  For those that have received effective treatment for their debilitating chronic neck pain and headaches, acupuncture has been a lifesaver when nothing else worked.

What is Neck Pain Acupuncture? 

Acupuncture is not “energy medicine”.  It does not work by the “flow of energy” through invisible pathways (meridians).  It is physical and functional medicine.  Research continues to fully explain the mechanisms of how acupuncture works to treat chronic neck pain and headaches.  Very fine needles are inserted through the skin at specific locations around the body to stimulate the nervous system which, in turn, communicates with the brain. 

What science does know is acupuncture relaxes muscle spasms and muscle tension, improves blood circulation, stimulates your body’s anti inflammatory system, releases trigger and motor points that create chronic neck myofascial pain patterns, and most importantly, rehabilitates the nervous system and the pain down regulating system that is controlled by the midbrain.  What does all this mean to the patient?   A pain free life from chronic neck pain and headaches. 

How Many Sessions For Neck Pain?

Acupuncture is very effective and can work fast in resolving chronic neck pain and headaches.  An initial course of 3 treatments are given to see if your particular condition of neck pain is going to respond. If no response occurs in these initial 3 visits, then the condition cannot be treated with acupuncture.  This usually means there is some major structural or mechanical problem of the spine that acupuncture cannot overcome. 

If a positive response occurs like the lessening of neck pain or you have increased range of motion of what was once a chronically stiff neck, then more treatments will be given.  Because acupuncture is a rehabilitative therapy and works on frequency and momentum, treatments will be given 2-3 a week until the chronic neck pain condition is significantly better. Acupuncture does not cover up the chronic neck pain and headaches like NSAID’s and opiates only for the pain to return once the medication wears off. 

Does Neck Pain Acupuncture Work?

 Acupuncture is a rehabilitative therapy so after a course of therapy, your chronic neck pain and headaches are significantly improved or totally resolved and the pain symptoms will not return once therapy is discontinued.  Acupuncture can resolve chronic neck pain and the results are long lasting.

How Much Does Neck Pain Acupuncture Cost?

New patients who are committed to resolving their chronic neck pain will receive a 20% discount on the 3 initial treatments and the health history ($60) will be waived by paying for the package in advance which brings the total cost to $276, a $129 savings.  Acupuncture treatments are normally $115 each session.